
Sum of Square Numbers (四平方数和定理)


AtCoder Caddi 2018 E. Negative Doubling (Stack)

Codeforces 962F. Simple Cycles Edges (BCC)

Codeforces 1009F. Dominant Indices (DSU on Tree)

Codeforces 990F. Flow Control (Tree + DP)

Codeforces 985F. Isomorphic Strings (String + Hash)

Codeforces 1051F. The Shortest Statement (Shortest Path + LCA)

Codeforces 1065F. Up and Down the Tree (DP + Tree + Greedy)

Codeforces 1093F. Vasya and Array (DP)

Codeforces 1093E. Intersection of Permutations (Divide and Conquer + Fenwick Tree)

Codeforces 1093G. Multidimensional Queries (Manhattan Distance + Segment Tree)

Codeforces 1083E. The Fair Nut and Rectangles (DP+Convex-Hull Trick)