Codeforces 1065F. Up and Down the Tree (DP + Tree + Greedy) 日付: 12月 19, 2018 リンクを取得 Facebook × Pinterest メール 他のアプリ [Problem - 1065F - Codeforces]( ## Problem Given a tree with root at 1, initially a token is at root, you can either move the token down to some leaf or move up from a leaf by at most $k$ steps. Calculate the most number of different leaves that can be visited. ## Solution Let's define some variables: * $d_u$ - Depth of node $u$ * $h_u$ - Lowest node that can be backtracked from leaves in subtree of $u$ * $f_u$ - The maximum number of different leaves that can be visited staring from $u$ * $g_u$ - The same as $f_u$, except that after visiting the leaves, it must be possible to backtrack to $u$'s parent The **state-transition equations** will be: * If $u$ is a leaf, $h_u = d_u - k,\ f_u = g_u = 1$ * $v$ is child of $u$: * $h_u = min_v (h_v)$ * $g_u = \begin{cases} 0 &\quad d_u \ge h_u \\ \sum_v g_v &\quad else \end{cases}$ * $f_u = \sum_v g_v + max_v(f_v-g_v)$ The key **observation** is that: If backtracking to parent is needed, it is always better to use the child which can reach lowest depth as the last one. ## Code ```c++ #include using namespace std; #define FI(i,a,b) for(int i=(a);i<=(b);++i) const int N = 1e6 + 5; int n, k, F[N][2], H[N], D[N]; vector G[N]; void dfs(int u, int d) { D[u] = d; for (auto v : G[u]) dfs(v, d + 1); } void dp(int u) { if (G[u].empty()) { H[u] = D[u] - k; F[u][0] = F[u][1] = 1; return; } F[u][0] = F[u][1] = 0; int tmp = 0, tv = -1; for (auto v : G[u]) { dp(v); H[u] = min(H[u], H[v]); F[u][0] += F[v][1], F[u][1] += F[v][1]; if (F[v][0] - F[v][1] > tmp) tmp = F[v][0] - F[v][1], tv = v; } if (tv != -1) F[u][0] += tmp; if (H[u] >= D[u]) F[u][1] = 0; } int main() { scanf("%d%d", &n, &k); for (int i = 2, j; i <= n; i++) scanf("%d", &j), G[j].push_back(i); dfs(1, 0); memset(H, 10, sizeof H); dp(1); printf("%d\n", F[1][0]); return 0; } ``` コメント