Codeforces 1073E. Segment Sum (Digit DP) 日付: 11月 20, 2018 リンクを取得 Facebook × Pinterest メール 他のアプリ [Problem - 1073E - Codeforces]( ## Problem Calculate the **sum** of numbers in range $[l,r]$ such that each number contains at most $k$ different digits. **Constraints**: $1\le l \le r \le 10^{18},1\le k \le10$ ## Solution Apparently this is a typical digit dp problem, it is trivial to calculate the **count** of numbers that satisfies above condition. However, the task is to calculate the **sum**. Let $C(p,mask)$ and $S(p,mask)$ be the count and sum of numbers with prefix before $p$-th digit contains different digits denoted by $mask$. At this moment the sum only consider suffix starting from $p$. If we choose some digit $i$ at position $p$, the sum will add two parts, one is remaining suffix starting from $p+1$ after $i$ is chosen, the other is the digit $i$ itself, whose contribution can be calculated by its value multiplies the number of times it appears. ## Code ```c++ #include using namespace std; using LL = long long; using PII = pair; #define FI(i,a,b) for(int i=(a);i<=(b);++i) #define FD(i,b,a) for(int i=(b);i>=(a);--i) #define DEBUG(x) cerr << #x << ": " << (x) << endl; constexpr LL inv(LL x, LL m) { return x > m ? inv(x % m, m) : x > 1 ? inv(m % x, m) * (m - m / x) % m : x; } constexpr LL mpow(LL a, LL k, LL m) { LL r(1); for (a %= m; k; k >>= 1, a = a * a % m) if (k & 1)r = r * a % m; return r; } int main() { LL l, r; int k; cin >> l >> r >> k; const int Mod = 998244353; int F[20][1030], G[20][1030]; memset(F, -1, sizeof F); memset(G, -1, sizeof G); auto solve = [&](LL num) { string s = to_string(num); reverse(s.begin(), s.end()); auto dp = [&](int p, int mask, bool head, bool limit, auto f) -> PII { if (p < 0) return {int(__builtin_popcount(mask) <= k), 0}; if (!head && !limit && F[p][mask] != -1) return {F[p][mask], G[p][mask]}; int cnt = 0, sum = 0, base = mpow(10, p, Mod); for (int i = 0; i <= (limit ? s[p] - '0' : 9); i++) { int nmask = mask; if (!(head && !i)) nmask |= 1 << i; int ncnt, nsum; tie(ncnt, nsum) = f(p - 1, nmask, head && !i, limit && i == s[p] - '0', f); cnt = (cnt + ncnt) % Mod; sum = (sum + nsum + 1LL * i * base * ncnt % Mod) % Mod; } if (!head && !limit) F[p][mask] = cnt, G[p][mask] = sum; return {cnt, sum}; }; return dp(s.length() - 1, 0, true, true, dp).second; }; printf("%d\n", (solve(r) - solve(l - 1) + Mod) % Mod); } ``` コメント